What to bring to your appointment - English

The following are forms of identifications that you can present at your appointment for proper identification.

18820 Aurora Ave N Ste 202,

Shoreline, WA 98133

+1 (206) 629-4537


  • Driver’s License or Non-Drivers ID

  • U.S. Passport

  • U.S. Government employee’s ID, including military personnel.

  • State, county and local government IDs issued to employees and to licenses.

  • Driver’s licenses from other states accepted as long as they are current (must have a photograph or signature)

  • Mexican and Canadian Driver’s License accepted as long as they are current (must have a photograph or signature)

Non-Native of US

  • Permanent Resident Status

    • (Green Card Holders)

  • Naturalized Citizens

    • (have naturalization papers)

  • Foreign Passports

    • (Must have current Visa)

Que traer a su cita - Español

Por favor de presentar las siguientes formas de identificación en su cita.

18820 Aurora Ave N Ste 202,

Shoreline, WA 98133

+1 (206) 629-4537


  • Licencia de conducir o licencia de identificación

  • Pasaporte de EE.UU.

  • Identificación de empleado del gobierno de EE.UU., incluye personal militar

  • Identificación de empleado estatal, del condado, y local emitidas a empleados

  • Licencia de conducir de otros estados (Que estén vigentes)

  • Credencial para votar o Matricula Escolar (Que estén vigentes, con fotografía y firma)


  • Residente Permanente

    • (La “mica”)

  • Ciudadanos Naturalizados

    • (debe de traer sus papeles de naturalización)

  • Pasaportes Extranjeros

    • (Visa actual)